The inclusion of digital technologies learning was introduced in 2018 to all students from Year 1 to Year 13.  This change ensures that all students get these experiences, to prepare them for a world where digital skills are increasingly valuable to the economy and wider society. 

Whilst we have devices available at school to support this curriculum area, you may want to purchase a chromebook for your child to bring to school.  This would allow your child....

Below are some flyers (click on the link to get the latest deals) from Noel Leeming which are updated regularly.  The Papakura branch are very supportive of our school.  We use chromebooks at school but providing your child knows how to 'drive' .  We do, however, recommend that the device is able to access a full keyboard.BYOD devices must be a chromebook.  

All parents are required to sign the BYOD procedures form (below) before a child is allowed to bring their own device to school.  This is an annual requirement.

BYOD procedures.pdf

Click the above link to see the latest deals from Noel Leeming

Get ready for school.pdf